A Letter From Our Director
Greetings from the Director’s Office,
April 4-10 is National Public Health Week, and this year’s theme is “Public Health is Where You Are.” What does that mean? It means where we live impacts our health and the health of our communities. By working together – we can make our communities healthier, stronger and safer for everyone. As Live Well organizations, you all do this important work every day. You provide programs to help people remain physically active; you help increase access to healthy food options; you provide social support; you address safety in your communities; you are there for one another. It takes the work of many and dedication across time! So thank you.
I also want to take a moment to recognize the work of the nearly 400 staff of the Health Department. While the work ACHD did leading the COVID-19 pandemic response is well recognized– much of the other important work done flies under the radar. This National Public Health week – please help celebrate all of the public health staff whose responsibilities vary widely from inspections (food, housing, plumbing, air, wastewater and solid waste inspectors), educators, clinical service providers, home visitors, administrators and so many others.
I am so proud of the staff at the Health Department and of all public health workers who faced these uncertain times with determination and poise. COVID-19 has brought heartbreak and adversity, but thanks to their courage, we had no shortage of inspiration.
Please stay safe and be kind.
Dr. Debra Bogen
Director, Allegheny County Health Department

Health Observances

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month
It only takes a few seconds to set yourself up to drive without distractions. Check out how simple it is to #JustDrive and get free National Safety Council tools to help. View the “How to Set Up Your Drive” video on YouTube.com.

April 4-10 is National Public Health Week
This year’s theme is “Public Health Is Where You Are”. Where we live impacts our health and wellbeing. Together we can make our communities healthier, stronger and safer! For more resources about National Public Health week visit: NPHW.org.
Allegheny County Health Department Updates
2022 Live Well Speaker Series
April Event:
Duquesne University –
B2H Community Health Workers
Please join us for our third Live Well Allegheny Learning Collaborative Virtual Speaker Series of 2022 on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. The topic will be about the B2H Community Health Workers initiative presented by Duquesne University – Center for Integrated Health as well as information on the Community Health Worker grant managed by the ACHD. Questions for the speaker can be sent to [email protected].
To sign up visit: https://form.jotform.com/kohlid/LWACollaborativeSession3.
Live Well, Be Well
Red Lantern Opportunity Hub – Tune Up Friday
Join the Red Lantern Opportunity Hub for Tune-Up Friday to meet some great community partners. Each partner will provide resources to the community from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Community Resources

Attention Verona Borough Residents
Verona is in the process of developing an Active Transportation Plan. Active transportation is any self-propelled, human-powered mode of transportation, such as walking, bicycling, e-assisted bicycling, scooters, roller blades, skateboards, motorized wheelchairs, and even kayaks/canoes. Active Transportation can also include utilizing public transportation. Verona residents please complete the survey to provide ideas in addressing active transportation. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. To take the survey go here. After completing the survey please visit the Verona Active Transportation comfort mapping to address any concerns here. The deadline to take the survey is April 30th.

Wilkinsburg Walking Path Virtual Events
Two walking path virtual events are available to Wilkinsburg residents. For more information or to sign up, visit our events tab of the Live Well Allegheny website here.
New 2022 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures
The Alzheimer’s Association releases their annual report on the burden of Alzheimer’s and dementia on individuals, caregivers, government and the nation’s health care system. To view the complete report go to the link: here.
National Kidney Foundation: Are you at risk for kidney disease?
1 in 3 US adults are at risk for kidney disease. The National Kidney Foundation has developed a Kidney Risk Quiz to help raise awareness about kidney disease. Please share the one-minute Kidney Risk Quiz with your organization.
Join Get Healthy Pittsburgh 7-Day Transformation!
Get Healthy Pittsburgh! (GHP) is a proven program by Humane Action Pittsburgh to transform the Steel City into a healthier, happier, and more productive community! GHP’s Get Healthy Pittsburgh program is a plant-based program. For more information about the challenge or to register visit the website here.
Live Well Allegheny Story

Teen Expo at Duquesne University
ACHD Injury Prevention Staff and partners presented the first Teen Drivers Safety Expo at Duquesne University on Thursday, March 17, 2022. We worked with the following partners to organize the event: AAA, PA Traffic Injury Prevention Project, Port Authority Police, Allegheny County Police, and the Duquesne University Police.
The Teen Expo gives students the opportunity to practice safe driver and passenger behaviors while they learn about highway safety by playing games and participating in fun activities. One activity students participated in was trying to complete a maze while using weed goggles. The goggles simulate the effects of marijuana that result in delayed decision-making skills. Another activity was conducted with our local law enforcement officers, including the Allegheny County and Port Authority Police Officers. This activity used the ‘beer goggles’ to conduct field sobriety tests. The sobriety test is similar to those used if an officer thought a driver was impaired. While the results of the maze and the field sobriety tests were often funny in this relaxed setting, the intent is to make the students aware of the dangers of smoking marijuana and how this impacts their decision-making skills while they are driving or even taking a test while impaired.