For the latest about COVID-19 please visit the ACHD web site.
Live Well Allegheny is an initiative to improve the
health and wellness of county residents
Local Resources for Healthy Living
Join us in our efforts to improve the health of Allegheny County. You can start with simple things like increasing your physical activity, eating more fruits and vegetables and taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
Take an active role in managing your own health! With a few easy steps, you and your family (and friends) can live healthier and happier lives.
Search Local Resources
Visit our Resource Directory to search our growing roster of Live Well Allegheny Partners for activities and services near you!
Upcoming Healthy Living Events
See our Events Calendar for dates and times of upcoming Live Well Allegheny Partner and program events.
A healthy community starts with you. Let’s work together for a healthier Allegheny County.