
We extend our deepest sympathies and condolences to those affected by the tragedy that took place at the Tree of Life Jewish Synagogue in Squirrel Hill. We thank all of the first responders for their efforts and we thank those who assisted with the medical care for those who were wounded. We grieve over the lives that were lost during this horrific and senseless act.
November gives us opportunities to come together with friends and family, which is especially important now. While it is common to overindulge around the holiday, we urge you to remember the importance of a healthy diet and physical activity. A healthy lifestyle plays a big role in defending your body against diseases. Looking for tips on creating healthy habits during mealtime? Use this guide to better family meals.
Did you know that November is Diabetes Awareness Month? Diabetes is one of the leading causes of disability and death in the United States. One-in-10 Americans have diabetes — that’s more than 30 million people. And another 84 million adults in the United States are at high-risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The good news is that individuals at risk for type 2 diabetes can lower their risk by making healthy choices. Eating healthy foods and increasing physical activity makes a difference! Interested in learning more about your risk for diabetes? Take the risk test today, and talk to your doctor if you are concerned about your risk for diabetes. To learn more about American Diabetes Month, please visit: healthfinder.gov.
Do you have an event coming up? Please let us know so we can add it to the Live Well Allegheny event calendar. Contact Marie Fontelo ([email protected]) with details. And don’t forget to check the partner resources page of the web site for additional resources.
Like and follow the Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) on Facebook to stay up-to-date on all the ACHD news.

Karen Hacker, MD, MPH
Director, Allegheny County Health Department
Campaign Corner

Produce Marketplace, a non-profit grocery store, is officially open in Clairton! The first new food store to open in the community in over 10 years, Produce Marketplace offers residents fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy, bread, and meat. Check out the details in this month’s Live Well Story!
Interested in highlighting a health initiative in your organization? Please reach out to Kristen Rodack ([email protected]).

Did you know that falls account for around 33.6% of all unintentional injury deaths in Allegheny County? To reduce the number of falls in older adults, ACHD is promoting Matter of Balance, a nationally recognized, evidence-based falls prevention program. This weekly structured group intervention led by trained coaches emphasizes practical strategies to reduce fear of falling and increase activity levels. We are looking for more coaches and locations to expand the reach of Matter of Balance! If your organization is interested in coach training or in offering this program to the people you serve, please contact Lorraine Starsky at 412-247-7816 or [email protected]
Want more information about the program? Check out the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article about ACHD’s Matter of Balance training!
Partner Information

Lawrenceville Family Health Center is hosting weekly “Walk & Talk with the Doc” sessions! The walking sessions, aimed at engaging community members and patients in their own health, provides an opportunity for residents to take a stroll with a doctor. The walks, held every Monday at 5:30, involve a brief presentation on a health topic followed by a 30-minute walk around Lawrenceville with a primary care doctor. Snacks and water are provided. Questions? Please contact Brenna Cockburn at (412) 784-7609 or [email protected].

Interested in learning about the effect of shale on public health? The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania (LWV) presents the 2018 Shale and Public Health Conference on November 14th. The conference is part of LWV’s “Straight Scoop on Shale” initiative and is hosted by the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public Health. As in previous years, this year’s conference will feature important new research on shale and public health impacts. The event is free but there is a $14 charge for lunch.

Do you work with kids? Are you looking for ways to talk with them about online behavior? Join fitUnited for a Lunch & Learn with Common Sense Media on November 15th. Kids today grow up in a digital world with potential for communication, collaboration, and creation. Yet schools and families face challenges with ethical issues that arise from students’ use of technology, such as cyberbullying, inappropriate sharing, and plagiarism. Digital citizenship is an essential 21st century skill in which students think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in a digital world. Join Common Sense to learn how to build a positive culture around digital citizenship.
The Lunch & Learn will be held November 15th from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm at the United Way Offices (1250 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222). Register today!

This November, Tobacco Free Allegheny is celebrating the 4th annual Allegheny Quits for Life Smoking Cessation Awareness Week! Allegheny Quits for Life is a week-long series of events and communications designed to support residents’ efforts to quit smoking and using tobacco products. From November 11th-17th, Tobacco Free Allegheny, and their partners, will promote smoking cessation and a smoke-free Allegheny County. There are a variety of ways to get involved in the celebration! Become an Allegheny Quits for Life partner, host or attend an event, or participate in the Great American Smokeout.
You can also join in the celebration on Tuesday, November 13th by participating in Tango Tuesday! Tango Tuesday is the official kick-off of Allegheny Quits for Life. The event features a free dance class with Dancing Classrooms Pittsburgh, resources from local health organizations, a public press conference & more! See the Facebook Event for more information about Tango Tuesday!
For more information on how you can get involved, visit: tobaccofreeallegheny.org.

The YMCA of Greater Pittsburgh’s annual Turkey Trot is on November 22nd! The Y is working with the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank to eliminate health disparities and food insecurity for the 174,110 people in Allegheny County who are struggling to consistently gain access to healthy food. The Turkey Trot is a fun and exciting family tradition that helps support the Y’s efforts to provide food security to children, families, individuals and seniors in need in Pittsburgh.
Join in the fun on Thanksgiving morning for the United Healthcare 5K, MedExpress 1 Mile Family Fun Walk and the Gentile, Horoho & Avalli Double Gobble and you can help provide opportunities for everyone to learn grow and thrive, regardless of age, income or background.
What’s Happening in Public Health
November 15th is the Great American Smokeout! The American Cancer Society’s Great American Smokeout is an annual event encouraging people to take the first step towards quitting smoking. We know quitting smoking is not easy. Rather than trying to quit all in one day, start with day one. Celebrate the Great American Smokeout by using the day to start your journey toward a smoke-free life. Join thousands of smokers across the country who will be using the day to stop smoking and work towards a healthier life. Ready to take a step towards quitting? Use this guide for help in your journey.
Looking for tools and resources around the Great American Smokeout? Click here to get more information!

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has confirmed three cases of Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM) in patients currently being treated at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. Two patients are residents of Allegheny County, and the other is a resident of Washington County. Additionally, ACHD has been notified that there are three additional suspected AFM cases in patients – all of which are county residents, and are being treated at UPMC Children’s. To hear from Health Department Director, Dr. Hacker about the confirmed and suspected cases of AFM, please click here.
ACHD continues to investigate these cases and is awaiting additional test results. At this time, no connection between cases has been established. All five of the patients who reside in the county are from different areas. We know that there are concerns and questions regarding these cases and what it means to the public, and will continue provide updates as new information is available. For more information on AFM, please visit: https://www.alleghenycounty.us/Health-Department/AFM-Alert.aspx.

Another heating season is upon us. It’s a good time to remind residents of the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, colorless and tasteless gas, and accidental carbon monoxide poisoning is responsible for more than 400 deaths each year nationwide.
We strongly urge residents to have carbon monoxide detectors in their homes. These can be purchased at most stores that carry home supplies. While these are extremely helpful, they are no substitute for regular furnace maintenance. Be sure to schedule a furnace inspection as soon as possible.
The most common symptoms of CO poisoning are headache, dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion. Anyone who believes they are experiencing these symptoms due to carbon monoxide poisoning should leave the premises and immediately call 911.
For more information on carbon monoxide positioning, visit: https://www.cdc.gov/co/default.htm.

This is the latest Live Well Allegheny e-update. Please find a variety of information that will be helpful to you in your efforts, and can also be shared within your own networks. As always, you can find a great deal of information on our website at: www.livewellallegheny.com including partner resources which are available here: https://livewellallegheny.com/about-us/live-well-allegheny-participants/partner-materials/.
We now have 61 communities, 14 school districts, 167 community partners, 46 restaurants, and 24 workplaces united in our efforts!