Welcome to our new communities, school districts, and partners! We are very proud to have you as part of this campaign and look forward to working together with you to improve the health of our county.
This is the latest Live Well Allegheny e-update. Please find following a variety of information that will be helpful to you in your efforts, and can also be shared within your own networks. As always, you can find a great deal of information on our website at www.livewellallegheny.com, including partner resources which are available here: https://livewellallegheny.com/about-us/live-well-allegheny-participants/partner-materials/.
Campaign Corner
Live Well Communities and Schools
Congratulations to our two newest communities, Sewickley Borough and Turtle Creek Borough, and newest school districts, McKeesport Area School District and West Allegheny School District for joining the campaign! We now have 22 communities and 5 school districts that have committed to Live Well Allegheny.
Congratulations to the City of Clairton, a Live Well Allegheny community, for exiting Act 47 status last month.

Live Well Allegheny Youth
Do you know a high school student living in a Live Well Allegheny Community or attending a Live Well Allegheny School? Recommend them for the LWA Youth-Led Initiative! Students will create and distribute their own health message campaign throughout the 2016 spring semester. Stipends are available. Contact Erica Bryson ([email protected]) for more information.
Live Well Allegheny Restaurants
At the end of October we announced the newest part of our campaign, Live Well Allegheny Restaurants. http://www.achd.net/pr/pubs/2015release/102615_LWA-restaurants.html
Live Well Allegheny Restaurants promote the idea that all County residents can be healthier together and partake in meals that are age-friendly, vibrant, and contribute to a thriving community.

Did you know that we have a few Live Well Allegheny promotional items available? Look for a package from us in the mail including window clings, pens, buttons, and our 11×17 infographic so that you can proudly display your commitment to Live Well Allegheny!
What’s Happening in Public Health?
Walk Works is a collaboration between the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the University of Pittsburgh to answer the Surgeon General’s Call to Action and increase physical activity through the development of fun, fact-filled walking groups, and sustainable walking groups across Pennsylvania. Apply to be an affiliate of the program by completing the attached questionnaire sending it to [email protected].
The Communal Health of Interacting Couples Study (CHOICE) is a research study at Carnegie Mellon University, trying to understand how spouses or partners can help newly diagnosed people taking care of their diabetes. If you are interested in participating or learning more, visit http://www.psy.cmu.edu/people/helgeson.html or call 412-268-2784. Compensation is available.