
Welcome to the new members of Live Well Allegheny!
This summer, we celebrated our two newest Live Well Allegheny Community members. In June, I attended Green Tree Borough’s first Live Well Health & Fitness Fair at the Farmers Market at Green Tree Park with Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald. Earlier this month, I attended the Braddock Community Day which had healthy activities like Zumba, health information and healthy food options. Green Tree and Braddock are our 25th and 26th communities to join the campaign.
We have two new restaurants and two new workplaces to celebrate also. Visit the Big Burrito Restaurants, Café Phipps and Franktuary for healthy eating options. The Rankin Christian Center and Virtual Officeware Healthcare Solutions are the newest Allegheny County employers that have committed to providing a healthier workplace for their employers.
Do you have an event coming up? Please let us know so we can add it to the Live Well Allegheny event calendar. Contact Marie Fontelo ([email protected]) with details.
Thank you for your participation in Live Well Allegheny. Working together, we will make Allegheny County the healthiest county in the nation!
Karen Hacker, MD, MPH
Director, Allegheny County Health Department
Campaign Corner

Thanks to financial support from the Richard King Mellon Foundation, Live Well Allegheny awarded nine grants to increase access to opportunities for physical activity. Congratulations to Allegheny County communities creating more ways to stay active in Allegheny County!

Are you on social media? Do you want to spread the word about your Live Well Allegheny participation on social Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Email [email protected] to join our social media distribution list and we will share campaign messages with you.

Allegheny Quits for Life is back for 2016! Live Well Allegheny is once again partnering with Tobacco Free Allegheny to raise awareness about the free cessation services available to smokers in Allegheny County.
Do you have a story to share about quitting? Email [email protected] about what helped you quit smoking.
Partner Information

The Southwestern Pennsylvania Food Security Partnership published five surprising health effects of food insecurity.

Did you know that poor health limits student success? Learn how you can support students from the Be There Campaign.

It is peak farmers market season! Did you know that Just Harvest provides technical assistance for debit, credit, and EBT transactions at 17 locations throughout Allegheny County? Enjoy the local produce available at your nearby farmers market and visit Just Harvest’s Fresh Access website for more information.

Innovative Wellness Solutions, Babb Inc. Insurance, WTAE, and SparkPeople are hosting a step challenge for the Pittsburgh region September 1st – October 11th. Team members track their steps, and the team with the most steps gets bragging rights as the healthiest organization and a 30 second spot on WTAE. Gather your staff and join the challenge! Register today and get walking! To learn more, attend fitUnited’s August 23rd Lunch and Learn and visit the Facebook page.

Action for Healthy Kids and the PA Departments of Health and Education have partnered together to offer a school district personalized wellness training. Does your school district want to learn more about childhood obesity and complete a district assessment? Email Deanna Philpott at [email protected].
What’s Happening in Public Health

Live Healthy PA is an online hub where communities, schools, organizations, and business can connect to access information and share ideas about preventing disease and injury. It is designed to promote initiatives aimed at improving health across Pennsylvania in the fight to eradicate chronic disease, prevent injury, and raise awareness about improving health.
This is the latest Live Well Allegheny e-update. Please find a variety of information that will be helpful to you in your efforts, and can also be shared within your own networks. As always, you can find a great deal of information on our website at www.livewellallegheny.com, including partner resources which are available here: https://livewellallegheny.com/about-us/live-well-allegheny-participants/partner-materials/.
We now have 26 communities, 6 school districts, 133 community partners, 26 restaurants, and 3 workplaces united in our efforts!