
Welcome to the new members of Live Well Allegheny!
I was so pleased to be in Mt. Lebanon on Saturday April 23 to celebrate our newest community and school district (Mt. Lebanon and Mt. Lebanon School District) to join the campaign. We kicked off the Farmers’ Market season with the County Executive and leaders from the community. Students from the Mt. Lebanon School District participated in a #HowDoYouLiveWell game.
Please join us for our first Live Well Allegheny Webinar on May 9th at 10am! We want to hear about all the great ways that you are living well and share examples of how we are working with some of our partners. More information is included below.
Do you have an event coming up? Please let us know so we can add it to the Live Well Allegheny event calendar. Contact Marie Fontelo ([email protected]) with details.
Karen Hacker, MD, MPH
Director, Allegheny County Health Department
Campaign Corner
Save the date! We will have our first Live Well Allegheny webinar on May 9th. Whether you’re new to the campaign or you have been with us from the start, we want to bring everyone together for our first Live Well Allegheny Webinar.

Welcome to our five (5) new Live Well Restaurants! Dinette (East Liberty), UPMC Shadyside Hospital Restaurant (Shadyside), Food & Nutrition Deparmtent at UPMC Presbyterian (Oakland), St. Clair Country Club (Upper St. Clair), The Church Brew Works (Lawrenceville) all committed to living well.
Do you know a restaurant or eating establishment that is promoting healthy eating? Invite them to be a Live Well Restaurant!

The Allegheny County Health Department is hiring a new position to work on Live Well Allegheny! Recruitment for the Public Health Administrator II position is open now. To learn more about position requirements, visit the job announcement.

On March 17th, we celebrated our first business recognized in the Live Well Workplace program – Izzazu Salon, Spa, and Serata. To be designated as a Live Well Workplace, the employer must take a formal action to work towards the goals of the campaign and commit to an additional four action steps, to provide a healthier workplace their employees.
Partner Information

Live Well Allegheny Community Partners, Allies for Children and the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, just released a new report on school breakfast consumption in Allegheny County. Breakfast Basics: A Comprehensive Look at School Breakfast in Allegheny County highlights how school policy changes can help combat childhood hunger and increase the number of breakfasts schools serve.

The Ultimate Play Day is April 30th, 1-4pm at East Liberty Park, 100 Larimer Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206! Join the Playful Pittsburgh Collective and a variety of Pittsburgh regional organizations and explore their play stations through the park to see a holistic model of innovative and creative play.

Healthy Kids Day at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium is April 30th, from 10am to 2pm. Join the YMCA for a special day of fun activities meant to help build on the incredible potential inside each and every child.

The Summer Meal Program provides free meals to kids during the summer months. The program will be kicking off soon. There are over 275 locations throughout the county. Did you know that you can call 2-1-1 to find the site nearest you?

Community Gardens are a great way to bring fresh and healthy food into communities. The Community Garden Sustainability Fund is accepting applications from existing gardens! The Community Garden Sustainability Fund is as partnership of Grow Pittsburgh and the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy and supports projects that will improve or enhance gardens so that they may have a long-lasting positive impact in their community. Applications are due May 13th.
What’s Happening in Public Health

Allegheny County is moving up in the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps! According to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, we are now 26th out of the 67 counties in Pennsylvania.

Looking for a new way to get active? Check out the system of public stairways throughout our region.
A recent WESA article highlighted work Pittsburgh officials are doing to improve area stairways. The City Accelerator program of Citi Foundation and advocacy group, Living Cities, has provided $1.16 million worth of in-kind services through city infrastructure consultation projects to Pittsburgh. Over the next five years, Pittsburgh seeks to improve staircases throughout the city. In the 2016 capital budget, Pittsburgh set aside $1.23 million for step improvements.
This is the latest Live Well Allegheny e-update. Please find a variety of information that will be helpful to you in your efforts, and can also be shared within your own networks. As always, you can find a great deal of information on our website at www.livewellallegheny.com, including partner resources which are available here: https://livewellallegheny.com/about-us/live-well-allegheny-participants/partner-materials/.
We now have 23 communities, 6 school districts, 112 community partners, 12 restaurants, and 1 workplace united in our efforts!