Two Communities, One Workplace and One Restaurant Earn Live Well Allegheny Status
June 4, 2019
PITTSBURGH – Allegheny County Health Department announced the addition of two communities, Richland Township and the Edgeworth Borough, one workplace, Pashek+MTR, and one restaurant, Arnold’s Coffee & Tea, as the four newest members of the Live Well Allegheny campaign. Now participating are 66 communities, 50 restaurants, 32 workplaces and 18 school districts that are making health a priority in Allegheny County.
“We are delighted to see municipalities, restaurants, workplaces and school districts continue to make commitments to the Live Well Allegheny campaign five years after its launch,” said County Executive Rich Fitzgerald. “To me, it reinforces the fact that the campaign continues to gain traction and that more and more people in our community are focused on making this a healthier county. Congratulations to our newest participants, and if you’re not already part of the campaign, please consider joining us.”
Live Well Allegheny was launched in January 2014 by County Executive Fitzgerald as a comprehensive and innovative strategy on wellness that embraces a broad concept of living well to include physical health, mental wellness, personal and community safety, prevention and preparedness, and much more. The effort is being led by the Allegheny County Board of Health and ACHD Director Dr. Karen Hacker.
“We are very pleased to report that more than half of the 130 municipalities in Allegheny County are now making health a top priority for their residents,” said Dr. Hacker. “We urge all municipalities, restaurants, workplaces, school districts and community partners that have not yet earned the Live Well designation to apply today. Making Allegheny County the healthiest county in the nation will require that all residents have opportunities for healthy living – that’s what Live Well Allegheny is all about.”
Following is more information about the newest Live Well Allegheny partners:
Live Well Allegheny Communities
Richland Township will develop walking maps and encourage multi-modal transportation through facilities and policies that promote walking and bike riding. The township will also promote and support farmers’ markets, promote smoke-free buildings and perimeters, and utilize websites and social media to provide information on physical activity, nutrition, stress management, tobacco cessation, and other health and wellness related initiatives.
Edgeworth Borough will advertise and share information regarding local farmers’ markets and wellness campaign events and incorporate health and wellness-related information into regular borough communications, such as social media and the quarterly newsletter. The borough will also encourage involvement with community volunteer activities, encourage smoke free buildings and perimeters, and continue to hold quarterly meetings with employees to discuss health, safety, and wellness in the workplace.
“As a nurse I wholeheartedly support initiatives that encourage residents to make healthy choices and improve their own wellness,” said County Council Member Cindy Kirk, representing District 2. “I couldn’t be happier to learn that two additional communities in my district have joined Live Well Allegheny, and I look forward to seeing the results of their work.”
Live Well Allegheny Workplace
Pashek+MTR will provide its staff with bicycles and access to secure bicycle storage, space for a workplace garden that employees can build and maintain, and easy-to-access information about local programs and opportunities for physical fitness, community health related events, and farmers markets. The organization will also support stretching and physical activity breaks during work hours and meetings and will offer employees flex hours to allow for physical or wellness activity. In addition, it will establish and communicate a tobacco-free workplace policy that includes cessation resources for employees.
Live Well Allegheny Restaurant
Arnold’s Coffee & Tea will offer half portions on select menu items, vegetarian or vegan fare options, low-calorie salad dressings and healthy side dishes. It will also eliminate trans-fat oils in cooking, be smoke-free, and promote healthier beverage options. Arnold’s Coffee & Tea’s Chef Claudy started the EAT Initiative, a non-profit organization, which has also joined Live Well Allegheny as a community partner. Its vision is to help feed and sustain food insecure communities by hosting hands-on cooking demonstrations and career development via hospitality training focused in food vulnerable families.
Participants in the Live Well Allegheny campaign work with the Health Department’s staff. While monetary resources are not part of the initiative, participants can receive materials, information and collateral items to promote the campaign and their individual efforts to live well.