Sustainable Pittsburgh
Sustainable Pittsburgh was established in 1998 as part of the Pittsburgh Technology Council with financial backing from The Heinz Endowments. SP was an outcome of the Pittsburgh visit of the President’s Council on Sustainable Development (September 1998) whereby a committee of civic leaders organized several days of community visioning around introducing concepts of sustainability to the region. SP was initially organized with an Advisory Board (first meeting February 7, 2000) to guide strategic focus on primary program areas of: Smart Growth, Diversity & Civic Engagement, Amenities & Lifestyle, Transportation for Livable Communities, and Sustainable Business and Community Solutions.
Over the past decade, SP has been a key contributor to elevating understanding of how social, environmental, and economic issues cannot be viewed in silos but rather must be addressed in a systems vs. symptoms approach. We have proven adept at building coalitions for change on issues that get at the heart of sustainability for the region including:
– Smart Growth and integration of Transportation and Land Use; Fix It First
– Outdoor Recreation and Natural Amenities
– Regional Equitable Development; Diversity and Civic Engagement
– Public Transportation and Transportation for Livable Communities
– Sustainable Business Solutions
– Sustainable Community Solutions
– Civic Engagement and Education
Website: Sustainable Pittsburgh