Our programs promote awareness and prevention of major chronic diseases: cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease and diabetes. We focus on the three most important healthy behaviors to combat them: healthy eating, physical activity and tobacco cessation.
Traveling overseas? Have you gotten your shots? Have you been bitten by an animal? Do you have one of over 70 reportable diseases? Infectious disease staff provide vaccinations for adults and children, and track and investigate disease outbreaks.
This clinic provides confidential, free testing and clinical services for sexually transmitted infections including syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, Hepatitis B and HIV/AIDS. Counseling is provided before and after HIV tests.
Our dental clinics in the Hill District, McKeesport and Mt. Oliver provide preventative and corrective treatment for children, including: examinations, cleanings, fluoride treatments, fillings, and sealants.
The Maternal & Child Health programs support a healthy start in life for babies in our county and their moms. We provide home-based nursing services to at-risk pregnant women, new moms and families. We also promote healthy breastfeeding. The Home Visiting Network coordinates resources among the Allegheny County Health Department, Healthy Start Inc., and home visiting agencies from around the County.
WIC is a federally funded public health nutrition program under the USDA providing nutrition education, nutritious foods, breastfeeding support, and healthcare referrals for medically at-risk, income-eligible women who are pregnant or post-partum, infants, and children up to age 5. There are 9 WIC clinic locations in Allegheny County.
The Health Department’s Pulmonary Center provides tuberculosis screening (Mantoux tuberculin skin testing), evaluation, directly observed therapy (DOT) and treatment for tuberculosis patients.