The Chronic Disease Health Alliance

5750 Baum Blvd, Suite 305, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15234
Phone: 412-973-6240

Our Mission:
Bridging the gap in healthcare by providing low income and food scarce communities in Allegheny County with access to quality nutrition resources and education for the prevention, management and reversal of chronic disease.

The CDHA is a conglomerate of local organizations joined together to form a “super team” to provide resources and aid in the fight against chronic disease.

We Provide:

  • Nutritional Education
  • Chronic Disease Education
  • Healthy Food for low income and food scarce communities


Eat Well - Eat Smart Activities:
  • Fresh food - other
  • Nutritional education
Active Living Activities:
  • Classes for adults
Health and Wellness Tools & Resources:
  • Classes for adults
  • Preventive care
  • Health literacy

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