Get Involved with Our Parks
You use the parks, you love the parks — now it’s time to truly become involved in the parks. Explore the many ways that you can get involved:
– Volunteer with us: find out about getting out into the parks and getting your hands dirty.
– Discover education programs: learn more about the many educational opportunities for youth ranging from 1st through 12th grade.
– Attend an event: get information on events such as our annual Hat Luncheon, free outdoor concerts and movies, or educational hikes.
– Become an Urban EcoSteward: sign up to join this stellar group of volunteer park stewards.
– Learn about park trees: find information on one of our parks’ biggest assets.
Visit us at Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy!
Active Living Activities:
- Trails and parks
- Winter activities
- Classes for adults
- Classes for children
- Biking
- Walking
- Outdoor recreation
Health and Wellness Tools & Resources:
- Community based
- Seniors
- Families
- Adults Only
- Young Adult
- Teens
- Children 9-12
- Children 8 and under
- Parents/Caregivers
- Teachers