Riverview School District and Pittsburgh Juice Company Earn Live Well Allegheny Status

February 27, 2018

PITTSBURGH – Allegheny County Health Department announced that another school district – Riverview School District, and restaurant, Pittsburgh Juice Company, have joined the Live Well Allegheny campaign. Now participating are 50 communities, 42 restaurants, 14 workplaces and 14 school districts that are making health a priority in Allegheny County.


“I am very pleased to report that the Riverview School District and the Pittsburgh Juice Company have joined the Live Well effort,” said ACHD Director Dr. Karen Hacker. “Our newest Live Well Allegheny members will be providing opportunities to increase physical activity and to improve nutrition and healthy cooking practices, all of which are key elements that will help improve the health of our residents.”

Live Well Allegheny School District

The Riverview School District has committed to students’ health and wellness through initiatives that promote proper nutrition and physical activity as part of the learning experience. Initiatives for elementary school students include: morning movement and stretching activities, daily recess, mindfulness activities, and fitness Fridays, implemented by each school building’s Wellness Committee. For junior and senior high school students, Riverview Schools held its inaugural Turkey Trot, a successful, fun, half-day school event that offered three diverse healthy activities. The Riverview Junior and Senior High School Health and Physical Education Department have also concentrated on offering diverse fitness opportunities for students every day, providing cardio equipment, circuit training, and a music and dance class that students can utilize.

Live Well Allegheny Restaurant

The Pittsburgh Juice Company has committed to providing healthier food options to its customers through continued sustainable practices. Customers have access to vegetarian dishes, whole grain alternatives and healthier beverage options. The restaurant uses plant based oils, and has eliminated the use of trans fats from their kitchen. In addition, the Pittsburgh Juice Company has a secure area for patrons to store their bicycles, if they need a rest in between rides.

Live Well Allegheny was launched in January 2014 by County Executive Rich Fitzgerald as a comprehensive and innovative strategy on wellness that embraces a broad concept of living well to include physical health, mental wellness, personal and community safety, prevention and preparedness, and much more. The effort is being led by the Allegheny County Board of Health and Dr. Hacker.

Participants in the Live Well Allegheny campaign work with the Health Department’s staff. While monetary resources are not part of the initiative, participating workplaces can receive materials, information and collateral items to promote the campaign and their individual efforts to live well.

About ACHD

Created in 1957, the Allegheny County Health Department is charged with protecting the environmental and public health of 1.2 million County residents through Pennsylvania Act 315 , the Local Health Administration Law.