This is the latest Live Well Allegheny e-update. It is full of information that will help in making Allegheny County healthy for all. This can also be shared with your own networks. More information is available on our website at: including partner resources which are available here.
We now have 204 community partners, 68 municipalities, 51 restaurants, 33 workplaces and 18 school districts united in our efforts to make Allegheny County healthy for all!
Also, be sure to like and follow the Allegheny County Health Department on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date on all ACHD news.
A Letter From Our Director
Hello Live Well Allegheny community,
Fall has arrived in Allegheny County. This is great season to sample fresh fruits and vegetables from area farms. Eating a meal rich in fruits and vegetables has many long-term health benefits. Even a modest increase in fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet can have significant health benefits. Here is a link to a recent short article about the benefits of plant-based diets.
Many farmers markets across Allegheny County are open until November, so there is plenty of time to stock up on locally grown fresh produce. Cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, peppers, potatoes, apples and all sorts of squashes are in season and can be an easy and fun addition to a healthy meal.
It is important to remember COVID-19 safety precautions while visiting local farmers markets. You should wear a mask while shopping, keep at least 6 feet from others and wash or sanitizer your hands regularly. It is also a good idea to make a list of what you want to buy before heading to the market to limit the amount of time you’re there and limit the number of people shopping with you.
Markets might operate a little differently than you are used to. To keep people safe, we ask that you not touch unpackaged food. As tempting as it is to squeeze a peach or pear or thump a melon, we ask that you instead point to the food you’d like to purchase and have someone package it for you. Some foods might be prepackaged for you to grab and go.
Thank you to all the vendors in farmers markets who have put health and safety first throughout this pandemic. You are an important source of healthy food for our communities, and your commitment to safety has allowed you to continue to provide this service to people who need and appreciate it.
And don’t forget that you can use your SNAP benefits at many markets around the county. More information on using benefits at farmers markets and the Food Bucks program is available through our partners at Just Harvest, The Food Bucks program gives you an additional $2 for fruits and vegetables for every $2 you spend in SNAP benefits at markets.
Remember, eating a healthy diet is an important part of staying well.
Stay safe and be kind,

For more information about where the markets are and how to use your food stamps and electronic transactions to purchase healthy fruits and vegetables, visit: |
What’s Happening in Public Health: COVID-19
The Health Department wants everyone to stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. The department’s COVID-19 web page contains information on the virus, its impact in Allegheny County and information, guidance and resources. These materials can help you and your communities stay safe.
- Allegheny County is now offering free COVID-19 testing, for ages 3 and up, at a site in McKeesport. This testing is made possible by CARES Act funding that has been allocated directly to the county. For more information about how to make an appointment at this location please call 412-209-2262, or visit this link: There is no cost for these tests.
- Sign up for Allegheny Alerts ( for daily reports from the Health Department on COVID-19.
- The Health Department encourages Allegheny County residents to download and use COVID Alert PA, a smartphone app designed to let you know if you’ve been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. The more people who use the app, the more effective it will be at keeping us safe. Available now free to smartphone users as a download
from the Apple App store or Google Play store, COVID Alert PA is available in English and Spanish.More information is available here:
Ways to Stay Healthy During This Time
Partner Information & Opportunities
Let’s Move Pittsburgh is part of the 5-2-1-0 Partners Program. Together, they engage community partners to create, continue or expand upon their efforts to create environments that support healthy lifestyles. Modeled after Let’s Go! program in Maine, it emphasizes four key messages for children’s health:
- 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day
- 2 hours or less of recreational screen time every day
- 1 hour or more of physical activity every day
- 0 sugary drinks and more water every day
The Let’s Move Pittsburgh team is ready to hear about your specific needs and is trained to adapt and expand upon the 5-2-1-0 message to best support your wellness efforts.
To learn more and become a partner visit the Let’s Move Pittsburgh web page:
Food Service Guidelines
Each day, millions of Americans purchase or are served foods and beverages in community settings, including worksites, universities, parks and recreation centers.
The Allegheny County Health Department, Pittsburgh Food Policy Council and University of Pittsburgh participated in the 2019 Food Service Guidelines Local Action Institute that brought together diverse teams to develop a plan that makes healthier food service and procurement practices a reality. The partners learned about increasing plant-based menus and reducing food related greenhouse emissions.
New Live Well Allegheny Community Partner!

A warm welcome to our new Live Well Allegheny Community Partner:
C-Clear Empowerment, Inc. located in Duquesne, designs and implements arts, technology and entrepreneurial initiatives that ignite creative and economic opportunities. The agency also provides answers to social challenges, and strengthens community vibrancy.
You can learn more about their commitment to health and wellness at their profile page on the Search Local Resources web page.