
The campaign to make Allegheny County the healthiest county in the nation continues to grow! On April 19th, we announced the University of Pittsburgh as a Live Well Allegheny Workplace! The college is committed to providing free medical services to both faculty and staff through their MyHealth@Work Health and Wellness Center.
The month of May celebrates National Physical Fitness and Sports! If you’re looking for new ways to get active, please check out the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services website. Share with your community how you exercise using the hashtag #moveinmay and #howdoyoulivewell.
As the Live Well Allegheny community continues to grow, we invite you to participate in the upcoming Learning Collaborative events. The workshops will provide up-to-date information on program implementation and grant opportunities. If you are interested in facilitating a workshop in the future, please reach out to Erica Bryson at (412) 247-7964 or [email protected].
Do you have an event coming up? Please let us know so we can add it to the Live Well Allegheny event calendar. Contact Marie Fontelo ([email protected]) with details. Please also check the partner resources page of the web site for additional resources.
Karen Hacker, MD, MPH
Director, Allegheny County Health Department
Campaign Corner

Save the Date!
The Live Well Allegheny team will be hosting the next Learning Collaborative meeting, Building Healthy Communities in the Mon Valley, on May 31, 2017 from 6-8pm. It will be held at the Clairton Municipal building on Ravensburg Boulevard.

Check out the latest Live Well Story!
Cheryl Sorrentino, the Borough Secretary for Braddock Hills – a Live Well Allegheny Community – discusses their wellness initiatives to improve health of residents. Please visit our website to read more.
Interested in highlighting a health initiative in your organization? Please reach out to Erica Bryson at [email protected].
Partner Information

Pleased join the United Way’s fitUnited Lunch & Learn on May 15th at 11:30am to learn more about the First Tee Pittsburgh program and ways to get involved. To register, please fill out the form provided.
fitUnited is teaming up with Live Well Allegheny and Turtle Creek Borough to create a safe community play space this summer! Join us on Saturday, June 10th for the Day of Action.

Please join our Live Well Allegheny Community of McKeesport for the Going for the Goal Triathlon. The event will be held on Sunday, June 25th at McKeesport High School. Proceeds will benefit the McKeesport Kiwanis Club and the Trail Commission. For more information and registration, please visit the website. Early bird rates will end on June 11th.

WalkPittsburgh is working to make Pittsburgh one of America’s most walkable cities! Currently, WalkPittsburgh and Walk the Burgh tours are teaming up to give away two free walking tours and a $150 Amazon gift card! Register online today!

We would also like to congratulate our Live Well Allegheny partners who participated and received the UpPrize Social Innovation Award for the Clairton Corner of Food + Hope Project! Please visit the website to learn more about the project!

Congratulations to Live Well Allegheny Community, Mt. Lebanon, for being designated as a Bronze Level Walk Friendly Community. For more information about Walk Friendly Communities, please check out their website!
What’s Happening in Public Health

The 2017 National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) Conference will be held July 11-13 in Pittsburgh this year! In highlighting the work around health in Allegheny County, Dr. Karen Hacker was invited to write a blog post for the NACCHO Voice. Check out the post, Live Well Allegheny: Paving the Way to Better Health Outcomes, on their website!

Eating healthy is always a challenge; however, a recent study revealed that 45.4% of cardiometabolic (heart disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes) deaths are caused by suboptimal dietary intake. More specifically, excess sodium intake, insufficient intake of nuts/seeds, high intake of processed meats, and low intake of seafood omega-3 fats were significant contributing factors. Interested in learning more? Check out the study!

Interested in learning about your organization’s community impact?
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s County Health Rankings and Roadmaps program has upcoming webinars, including Evaluate Actions: Tools and Guidance and Collective Impact in the Real World: From Common Vision to Collaborative Evaluation. For more information and registration, please check out their website.

May is National High Blood Pressure Education Month! The American Stroke Association describes high blood pressure as a “domino effect” leading to devastating consequences, like heart attack, stroke, kidney disease and more. A simple blood pressure check is the first step to preventing the “domino effect.” Check out their toolkit for resources to help you easily engage with community members.
This is the latest Live Well Allegheny e-update. Please find a variety of information that will be helpful to you in your efforts, and can also be shared within your own networks. As always, you can find a great deal of information on our website at www.livewellallegheny.com, including partner resources which are available here: https://livewellallegheny.com/about-us/live-well-allegheny-participants/partner-materials/.
We now have 45 communities, 10 school districts, 152 community partners, 31 restaurants, and 11 workplaces united in our efforts!