This is the latest Live Well Allegheny e-update. Please find a variety of information that will be helpful to you in your efforts and can also be shared within your own networks. As always, you can find a great deal of information on our website at: including partner resources which are available here.
We now have 203 community partners, 68 municipalities, 51 restaurants, 33 workplaces and 18 school districts united in our efforts to make Allegheny County healthy for all!
Also, be sure to like and follow the Allegheny County Health Department on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date on all ACHD news.
A Letter From Our Director
Hello Live Well Allegheny community,
Summer is here, and I hope everyone is taking advantage of the warmer weather and longer days to get outside to play, explore and have fun.
This summer will be different than others because of the coronavirus pandemic. Some pools are closed. Outdoor festivals and events we look forward to each year will likely not happen. Vacations and spending time with friends and families won’t be the same.
Recently, the number of new cases has started to increase. The virus is still spreading in our community. People are still getting sick, being hospitalized, and tragically, some are dying.
One simple thing almost everyone can do to reduce the spread of COVID-19 is to wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth. I really enjoy seeing all the creative masks around the county. A mask stops droplets that contain the virus that causes COVID-19 from spreading to others when we talk, laugh, sing, cough or sneeze.
It is important to wear a mask when you’re in a crowd and inside a business. Employees at restaurants should always wear masks and customers can take them off only when seated. I know wearing masks may be uncomfortable and warm, but it is an important tool to Allegheny County’s reopening.
Testing recommendations continue to change. The CDC now recommends testing ( if you have any symptoms of COVID-19, or you are worried that you were exposed to the virus but are not showing symptoms. Testing helps us identify who has the virus and keep it from spreading. In our county, you can be tested at the Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). To learn more about testing at FQHCs visit A map to all testing locations in the county is available at under “Information for Residents.”
Please enjoy all the great information in the June newsletter, including the great resources about getting your child vaccinated and keeping them healthy and active.
Stay safe and be kind,

What’s Happening in Public Health: COVID-19
The Health Department is the lead agency providing response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 web page contains information on the virus, its impact in Allegheny County, information and guidance from the department and its partners, and resources for residents and specific groups. Additional updates are listed below:
- Clinical Services: ACHD provided updates about the reopening of clinical operations that are available here:
- Guide to Services: ACHD recently updated the Guide to Community Health Services. The condensed guide is available for download.
- Allegheny Alerts: Sign up for the latest news via email/text/phone
- PA 211: visit for local Southwestern Pennsylvania resources
- Testing Site Locator: Use the locator to find a testing site near you
- Reporting Domestic Violence
- Child abuse: 1.800.932.0313
- Elder abuse: 1.800.490.8505
- Domestic violence:1.800.799.7233
Ways to Stay Healthy During This Time
Parks and recreation facilities are places that people go to get healthy and for children and families to connect with nature and recreate outdoors together. Parks are a great way to be active while maintaining physical distance. Here are some resources to help you and your family be active outside.
Allegheny County Park operations updates:
Allegheny County Parks Foundation:
Spring Summer 2020 Tip Sheet: [Shown Above]
Parks Rx Anywhere activity page:
Events & Funding Opportunities
CARE Mobile
Children’s Hospital of UPMC Care Mobile
- UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh’s mobile health unit, the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile, is providing free immunization clinics throughout the County to help children get caught up on their vaccinations. In addition to vaccines, the care team will be able to complete the health forms needed for WIC including the hemoglobin testing. All services are free to families regardless of their insurance status. Appropriate COVID-19 protocols will be followed to ensure everyone’s safety, and we will be passing out summer activity kits filled with lots of goodies like paint kits and sidewalk chalk.
The schedule for all stops is available here:
Funding Opportunity

Funding Opportunity
- The Active Allegheny Grant Program (AAGP) is administered by the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County (RAAC). The purpose of the AAGP is to provide financial assistance to municipalities and councils of government to develop community plans and design transportation projects that will, when implemented, provide bicycle and pedestrian connections to important local destinations and transportation systems and increase residents’ opportunities for physical activity. In addition, for 2020, the program funds the purchase and/or installation of materials to facilitate active transportation physical distancing.
- Grants will be accepted on a rolling deadline until November 30, 2020.
- All of the grant information can be found at this page on the Allegheny County Economic Development Department’s web page:
New Members to the Campaign

A warm welcome to the new Live Well Allegheny Community Partners
You can learn more about their commitment to health and wellness at their profile pages on the Search Local Resources page.