Live Well Community Partners

Our goal is to involve partners from all sectors – from government, to business, to schools, to faith-based and community organizations. We welcome everyone who shares our vision to become the healthiest county and can help us promote a better way to live and be well!

A Live Well Allegheny Partner is an organization…

  • that supports the mission of our campaign;
  • engages with community members;
  • hosts public events or activities that promote health;
  • features Live Well Allegheny as part of its efforts; and
  • maintains communication with Live Well Allegheny for events and other social media updates.

Live Well Member Benefits:

  • Partner packet of Live Well branded materials.
  • Access to and direct connection to other Live Well participants and community partners
  • Live Well Referral System to connect with other organizations working on a particular health topic or specific setting
  • Information about upcoming events, grant opportunities, and technical assistance available
  • Curated data available on the Allegheny County Health Department website
  • Educational resources on a variety of health topics
  • Live Well Learning Collaborative
  • Monthly E-Updates with Live Well partner updates, what’s happening in public health, and campaign highlights
  • Communication resources, including Live Well promotional materials and social media content
  • Live Well Allegheny website access to create a profile and promote upcoming events

Our partners include a growing roster of health organizations, libraries, nonprofits, certified nutritionists, and more.

If you or your organization is interested in being part of the Live Well Allegheny initiative, please complete the form below for consideration.

Search a list of our Current Partners

Become a Live Well Allegheny Partner!


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Type of Organization*

Contact Name*
