“We have the resources.
Let’s all work together
to make Allegheny County
the healthiest in the nation.”
Allegheny County
Health Department
“We have the resources.
Let’s all work together
to make Allegheny County
the healthiest in the nation.”
Live Well Allegheny represents a collaboration to improve the health and well-being of everyone who lives and works in Allegheny County. This vision calls on organizations, businesses, non-profit agencies, schools, municipal governments, neighborhood groups, and advocates to partner in coordinated efforts to ensure sustained changes that promote healthy living in Allegheny County.
A Live Well Allegheny Partner is an organization which has a mission that aligns with the mission of the campaign, offers events or activities that work along with the campaign, features Live Well Allegheny as part of its efforts, submits and maintains events on the Live Well Allegheny website, and keeps informed as to the efforts of the initiative. To learn more about becoming a partner and to complete the application, please click on the “Partner Application” link.
A local effort is essential to positively impact the health and well-being of Allegheny County. Community, school and workplace involvement is essential to achieving our County-wide goals.
If you are a part of the municipal, borough or township government in your community, go to “Gain Live Well Allegheny Status” to learn how to have your community identified as a Live Well Allegheny Community partner. See a list of current Community partners.
If you are a representative of a School or School District within the County, go to “Gain Live Well Allegheny Status” to see details on how your school can join the Live Well Allegheny initiative. See a list of current School partners.
If you own or operate a restaurant or food-related business in Allegheny County, and you would like to become a Live Well Allegheny Restaurant partner, go to “Gain Live Well Allegheny Status” for details.
Do you want to volunteer your time and talents to Live Well Allegheny activities? For information about volunteer opportunities, please click the “Volunteer” link for volunteer postings and the application.