Spotlight on Fitwits

Name of Organization:

Address/Location of organization:

Mission of organization:
Fitwits is solving childhood obesity by using 21st century technology and gaming to inspire the power of play.

Finish this quote: “We are a LWA partner because we believe…”
…We believe that collaborative, networked community is the key to reversing childhood obesity and want to be a part of that change!

What types of activities/resources are available through your organization?
Fitwits motivates every child to eat and live well by making the child a partner in her health through active learning. When we enable human contact, facilitate a resilient online social gaming network, and make health information accessible, Fitwits educates children how to achieve health-related goals.

Are the activities “good for the whole family?”
Our solutions offer a set of tools, both print and digital, that provide families, educators, and healthcare professionals greater insight into health-impacting decisions that children make on a daily basis.

What makes your organization unique? Do you offer a unique service or resource for county residents?
Through child’s play, we use character based agents and game activities to engage children in meaningful health improvement practices. And when Fitwits inspires children to practice healthy behaviors, everyone wins.

Do you have any words of wisdom to help others Live Well?
Keep it real, make it fun.