Challenge: BP

Did You Know?

  • The number of deaths from cardiovascular disease (CVD) in Allegheny County are higher than those of PA and the U.S. as whole
  • High blood pressure is one of the leading risk factors of CVD
  • Modest increases in high blood pressure are linked to higher risk of death, including heart failure among African Americans
  • Every 10-point drop in systolic blood pressure can decrease the risk of CVD and stroke by 30-50%
  • Having a lower blood pressure can also help reduce the risk for other chronic diseases

Healthy BP Monitoring Centers

The American Heart Association (AHA) and Live Well Allegheny partnered for the first Challenge: BP. We are recruiting communities and workplaces to work together in order to lower rates of high blood pressure in our county. Our goal is for all Challenge: BP participants to lower blood pressure by 10mmHg on average.

Here’s How to Participate:

Organization or Workplace

  • Identify a Challenge: BP Champion in your workplace or community
  • Select the AHA blood pressure program that is right for your organization with guidance from the AHA Community Health Consultant (Workplace Health Solutions or Check.Change.Control).
  • Once you sign up for a blood pressure program, we will provide the tools, training, and resources for implementation.

Individual Participant

  • Check your blood pressure at any Giant Eagle pharmacy blood pressure machine and enroll in their free Blood Pressure Management Program.
  • Check your blood pressure twice a month; Change to healthier habits; Control your blood pressure!
  • Stay connected to learn what additional resources and things you can do to manage your blood pressure. #ChallengeBP, #LWA, #howdoyoulivewell, #AHAPGH

For more information, please contact the American Heart Association at [email protected]

Accept the challenge and join Challenge: BP today!