A to B: Transportation Options
According to the American Public Transportation Association, people use some form of public transportation 34 million times each weekday in the U.S. In Allegheny County, there are many options for transportation; however, navigating those options can be hard. A to B is an online tool designed to help riders find inclusive and accessible transportation options that meet their personal preferences, abilities, and needs. Developed by transportation providers and advocates in the Transportation Working Group, including Age-Friendly Greater Pittsburgh a Live Well Allegheny community partner, the tool currently includes 28 options from 20 transportation providers.
A to B is free, voluntary, and anonymous. To use A to B, visit www.AtoBAllegheny.com, answer a short survey of questions, and get matched to possible transportation options. The questionnaire takes about 10 minutes from start to finish. Users should be sure to answer all applicable questions to receive the best results. A to B will not map specific trips, but rather find the best connection to options for riders.
If you have questions about A to B or would like help using the tool, call (412) 562-5104 (TTY 711), Monday-Friday from 8AM to 5PM or leave a message after hours. Transportation providers can also call this number to be listed in the tool.
We’re excited about the addition of this tool in our region. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has identified that access to transportation supports health and reduces healthcare costs. Ensuring that all residents of Allegheny County can get from point A to point B can have a profound positive impact on health and wellness.
Learn more about this topic and the A to B Tool with these resources: