Since the Live Well Allegheny campaign launched in 2014, we have been bringing together a collaborative partnership of municipalities, school districts, government agencies, community-based organizations, academia, and the private sector to improve the health of county residents. Over the last four years we have made great progress toward Building a Culture of Health here in Allegheny County. Key accomplishments include:

  • 68 municipalities that have committed to Live Well Allegheny
  • 18 school districts that have committed to Live Well Allegheny
  • 216+ community partners that are working together
  • 53 Live Well Allegheny Restaurants
  • 33 Live Well Allegheny Workplaces

Live Well Allegheny is our County’s preeminent strategy for addressing the behaviors that lead to chronic diseases.

We invite you to download the June 2018 Community Impact Report to read how the campaign has grown and blossomed. But more importantly, to see where we are going and how we hope to get there!

Much more work is needed to achieve our goal of making Allegheny County the healthiest county in the United States.

Whether you are involved with a community, organization, restaurant or business — or if you are a resident interested in making small lifestyle changes that will impact your health and that of your family’s — please join our effort to Live Well Allegheny.