Pittsburgh Langley Holds Walk to School Day Event
Pittsburgh Langley Holds Walk to School Day Event
The 26th Annual National Walk to School Day was held on October 6 at Pittsburgh Langley K-8.
National Walk to School Day promotes safe, active transportation. Active transportation is a way of getting around that is powered by human energy, specifically walking and biking. Along with providing a safe space for children and their families to walk to school, the day is about partnering with local law enforcement to draw attention to road safety. This includes speed restrictions near school routes and restructuring carpool line traffic flows to reduce conflicts with walking students, among other safety improvements.
The event was organized by Safe Kids Allegheny, a local coalition of Safe Kids Worldwide led by UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. The Allegheny County Health Department Injury Prevention Program are members and participate in Safe Kids activities as well. Safe Kids Allegheny Coalition members include state, local and college police officers. This is the 10th year that the Injury Prevention program has participated in the event.
On the day of the event, Safe Kids Allegheny worked with community partners and the Pitt Police Community Programs Unit. Volunteers were stationed at strategic positions where it was safest for students and their guardians to walk. They also walked with students and observed their behavior. The goal of the day was to ensure a safe crossing experience within the designated crossing areas and to avoid any no cross areas.
Visit the Safe Kids Allegheny County website for more information.