Five Additional Live Well Allegheny Partners Announced!
November 28, 2018
PITTSBURGH – The Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) announced another five partners have joined the Live Well Allegheny campaign. Additional partners include three workplaces, Giant Eagle, Auberle, and Focus on Renewal, one school district, the Cornell School District, and one restaurant, Eighty Acres Kitchen and Bar.
“It’s very encouraging to see more partners continuing to commit to improving the health of their employees, students and patrons, and we welcome these five additional members to the Live Well Allegheny campaign,” said Health Department Director, Dr. Karen Hacker. “Now participating in the campaign are 61 communities, 47 restaurants, 27 workplaces and 15 school districts that are making health a priority in Allegheny County. To make Allegheny County the healthiest county in the nation, it takes a group effort, so we encourage you to apply to earn the Live Well designation if you haven’t already done so.”
Following is more information on the newest members:
Live Well Allegheny Workplaces
Through a variety of initiatives, Giant Eagle is promoting physical activity and nutrition for its employees across its offices, retail support centers and area stores. The company’s efforts range from ongoing wellness challenges that provide incentives for achieving specific wellness goals to health counseling focused on physical activity, smoking cessation and weight management.
Focus on Renewal has committed to provide access to an on-site fitness area, standing desks for employees and a space for a workplace garden. Not only will Focus on Renewal organize fitness classes on site, they will offer employee opportunities for physical/wellness activity before, during, and after work.
In addition to Auberle‘s annual Employee Wellness Program, the workplace has committed to provide healthy options in the cafeteria, in vending machines, and in meetings. Auberle will promote physical activity by organizing fitness classes on site, offer a discount to health-clubs and fitness membership, and encourage employees to participate in athletic activities. Auberle also provides paid time off for employees to have preventive care and cancer screenings and has created an Employee Wellness Committee.
Live Well Allegheny School District
The Cornell School District will improve the health of their students with a commitment to a comprehensive healthy school’s program. Cornell will offer fresh fruit and vegetables at all meals, promote water drinking, and provide 2% milk and chocolate milk instead of whole milk. The district will also utilize websites and social media to provide information on physical activity, nutrition, stress management, tobacco cessation, and other health and wellness related initiatives.
Live Well Allegheny Restaurant
Eighty Acres Kitchen and Bar will promote healthy choices by providing smaller-sized sugar-sweetened beverage options, low calorie salad dressing, and vegetarian fare and healthy side dishes. In addition, Eighty Acres Kitchen and Bar will eliminate trans-fat oils and use plant-based oils for cooking instead.
Live Well Allegheny was launched in January 2014 by County Executive Rich Fitzgerald as a comprehensive and innovative strategy on wellness that embraces a broad concept of living well to include physical health, mental wellness, personal and community safety, prevention and preparedness, and much more. The effort is being led by the Allegheny County Board of Health and Dr. Hacker.
Participants in the Live Well Allegheny campaign work with the Health Department’s staff. While monetary resources are not part of the initiative, participants can receive materials, information and collateral items to promote the campaign and their individual efforts to live well.
Released over the summer, the 2018 Community Impact Report: Creating Health in Every Space details how Live Well Allegheny works with partners to create opportunities for health in every space—where Allegheny County residents live, learn, work, and eat.